2024 Fall Product Sales Program

It is time to plan you upcoming program year in Scouting. 

Product Sales Can help make your Scouting program even better!

Below are the dates you will need to know as you plan this year’s sale for your unit. 

  • July 23, 24, 25th  – Product sale kick-offs at district locations 
  • Thursday, August 1st – Popcorn on-line sale opens
  • Tuesday, August 13th – First orders due – NEW
  • Wednesday, September 4th – Owatonna unit product distribution
  • Thursday, September 5th – Sugar loaf, Hiawatha  & Wakpaota product Distribution
  • Monday, September 23rd – Popcorn re-order by 8:00am
  • Friday, September 27th – Popcorn re-order pickup
  • Thursday, October 3rd – First payments are due – Half of your initial order
  • Tuesday, October 29th – Product return date
  • Wednesday, October 30th – Product sale take order due
  • Tuesday, November 5th – Final due date- various prize programs
  • Wednesday, November 13th – Owatonna Units take order distribution
  • Thursday, November 14th – Sugar Loaf, Hiawatha & Wakpaota take order distribution
  • Friday, December 6th – Final product sale payment due

Need a re-fresher on what was discussed at the Popcorn Training for Leaders? Please click on the link below. 

2024 Popcorn Kickoff