Adventure Awaits!
The heat of a campfire at night, the THWONK! of an arrow hitting its target, the smell of bacon being grilled over a fire in the morning…
These are just some of the experiences you can have while enjoying the outdoors with your family at Gamehaven Scout Camp! Our camp staff has worked hard to make Gamehaven a place where everyone can come and enjoy being together in the outdoors, with none of the stress and hassle of a “high-adventure” experience.
Gamehaven Scout Camp has indoor toilets, showers, and handwashing (only during the warm season), electricity, cell service, and is less than a five-minute drive from any major convenience needed. You can take half an hour to run to Caribou in the morning, or to go to the Target down the road if you forget something. Order through certain delivery services and you can even get items delivered right to the camp parking lot!
Whether it’s your first time camping outside, or your one-hundredth, we want to make this a great experience for you because our mission is to Bring Outdoor Adventure to Everyone!
Camp Forms
Camp Contacts
Camp Director | Brady Geary

Join a Camp Committee or Crew!
It takes a village to run a successful Scout Camp! In addition to our professional staff, we are supported by many volunteer committees and work crews:
Campmaster Corps: Volunteer campsite hosts who help ensure safety and hospitality for weekend groups.
Maintenance Crew: A weekly Thursday work crew who help fix issues around camp and prepare for upcoming events.
Program Committee: A monthly committee tasked with planning seasonal Cub and Scout events.
Project Spruce: A monthly work crew dedicated to “sprucing” up camp properties through service projects.
Properties Committee: A monthly committee tasked with coordinating work crews and other camp property needs.

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